Mood & Behavior Disorders

If you have reached this page then to say that you’re “frustrated” or “concerned” is likely an understatement. Your child can’t control his emotions, he acts out in public or at home, maybe he becomes depressive and unresponsive to positive or negative reinforcement.

As a parent, you know that your growing child can throw a good tantrum from time to time. From toddler to teen, every adolescent can be expected to have a handful of meltdowns. But if your child suffers from a Mood or Behavior Disorder, those incidents are probably happening much more frequently than you’d expect… or even, in ways that seem unusual.

How Can A Speech & Language Pathologist Help Your Child With Behavior Problems?

We’ve discovered that the mood disorders, those that cause behavior problems, are common with individuals who have sensory processing disorders. When someone cannot accurately interpret his world, the world is a scary, unpredictable place.

We have strategies that work to improve listening skills foundational to Executive Function skills. They increase the predictability and comprehension of cause-and-effect relationships. These strategies diminish stress and anxiety while improving behavior and performance.

We Take Mood & Behavior Disorders Seriously

The symptoms of these disorders vary with individuals and manifest differently in children, teens, and adults. Symptoms of mood or behavior disorders should be taken seriously. But early intervention will make a significant difference in long-term success.

Facing and treating a mood or behavior disorder can be scary. No parent wants to think that their child has a behavior problem. Or worry about what other children (or their parents) think of their child.

There Is No One-Size-Fits-All Approach

Mood and behavior disorders vary in type and severity. Biological, psychological, or environmental influences may be contributing. Or even aggravating the difficulties your child faces. For that reason, there is no “one size fits all” approach to treating them. We believe that is a good thing.

Some children benefit from seeing a psychiatrist to manage medication while gaining skills. When this is the case, we collaborate closely with other practitioners and create a treatment plan that will be synergistic. That’s what’s best for your child.

Your child is the center of your world. The treatment that works best for them is the center of ours.

You Are Here Because You Need A Miracle. We Are Here To Help You Find It.