Body Awareness


Children need to discover how their bodies move. They have to be able to “sort out” one part of their body from another and they should be able to distinguish between right and left when they enter first grade. If a child develops a good image of his/her body, he/she will have a sound base upon which to build the needed perceptual skills.

Suggested Procedure for Improving Body Awareness:

  • Touch different parts of your body and say “This is my head, touch your head.” Continue, using the following parts: mouth, ears, chin, neck, shoulders, arms, elbows, legs, ankles, toes, wrists, hands, fingers, chest, stomach, back, hips, knees, feet, heels. Then ask your child to close his/her eyes and touch the same body parts on command.
  • Have your child touch body parts with other body parts:
Nose to knee Chin to chest Ear to shoulder
Hands to hips Elbows to knees Toes to nose
Wrist to ear Elbow to leg Chin to wrist
Wrist to ankle Fingers to shoulders Wrist to back
Elbow to stomach Wrist to neck Foot to leg
Hands to back Toes to toes Heel to heel
  • Instruct your child to touch certain body parts to their surroundings:
Head to floor Hands to wall Knees to floor
Head to table Back to wall Nose to window
Ear to chair Shoulder to floor Fingers to books
  • Let your child imitate you in the movement of a specific body part.  Always identify the part by saying these things as you move:
Nod your head Close your eyes Twist your neck
Bend your elbows Clap your hands Wiggle your toes
Open your mouth Shrug your shoulders Click your fingers
Bend your knees Stamp your feet Wiggle your nose
  • State the usage of the body part and let your child supply the name.
I see with my _____ I smell with my _____ I blink my _____
I talk with my _____ I clap with my _____ I snap my _____
I walk with my _____ I wave my _____ I write with my _____
  • Place a piece of paper as large as a child on the floor. One child lies on his back while another child draws around him, making the outline of his body. Each child should have the experience of drawing around another child and seeing himself on paper. Instruct your child to color a designated part of the outlined body a specific color. Example: Color the feet yellow, the toes blue, the legs orange, etc…
  • Collect pictures of specific body parts and ask your child to identify them. Magazines are good for this activity.
  • Draw an incomplete man on paper and ask your child to supply the missing parts.
  • Cut up paper dolls and put them into envelopes. Have your child reassemble the paper doll.
  • Have your child view himself/herself in the mirror, pointing out and naming his/her own body parts.