
Improved Listening Impacts Seizure-Induced Learning Disabilities

Carter’s Story

Nine year-old Carter participated in nine months of weekly language therapy using auditory processing and discrimination as the driving core. After being placed on medication to control a seizure disorder, he had been falling behind his private school classroom subjects across the board, and was demotivated and discouraged with low self-esteem. Testing at Center for Therapeutic Strategies showed he had deficits in both receptive and expressive oral language skills along with auditory processing and discrimination deficiencies.

Carter used Interactive Metronome to improve his sequencing and timing by responding to a predictable beat

Carter participated in using the Interactive Metronome to build sustained focus and attention and increased executive function skills for handling multiple inputs simultaneously. He listened to The Listening Program in his sessions and later at home. He learned to discriminate sounds in words, segment sounds, and manipulate sounds in words for improved phonemic awareness. Carter improved his short term memory and decreased his impulsivity using the Brain Builder computer game by Advanced Brain Technology.

Listening Challenges Underlying Low Achievement

Academic Gains with Improved Language Processing Skills

After nine months of speech therapy with a focus on Reading is Language and auditory processing skills, Carter was able to successfully transition from a small private school for children with learning disabilities to a large public middle school. His mother reported that his “Standardized testing recently administered show dramatic improvement in reading (90%ile), math (50%ile), and language arts/ spelling (30%ile).” She continued that he started The Listening Program at home three months later which brought “more changes in maturity and independence. He is now doing his homework independently and conscientiously. His emotional control has also greatly increased along with an increase in self-confidence, motivation, responsibility, and organization.”