Whether your child is just entering the maze of treatment options, or you and your family have been on the hunt for solutions for a while, CTS is available to provide a list of prioritized goals and treatment strategies guide you to the next step and offer hope for a fulfilling, productive future.
There is no “magic bullet” to address sensory and language processing issues, so no single approach will correct every problem area. Consequently, these problems cannot be corrected overnight. After gathering the diagnostic and informational pieces, the Center for Therapeutic Strategies will develop an individualized approach to best serve each person, as well as the integrity of the family as a whole.
Treatment roadmaps are multi-step plans that address foundational areas of highest priority in order to create the most effective and efficient plan of action. Continuing supervision is available throughout the treatment journey in order to pursue the highest potential possible for those with processing issues.
CTS is the first of its kind consulting service that evaluates each child individually and meets their specific needs with modern therapy and technology. CTS also provides overall treatment plans with referrals to other professionals and educational options. You will be walked through a process of gathering information to create an individualized plan to best serve the needs of you and your child.
Signs and symptoms of possible speech or language challenges in children include:
- Non-verbal at age 2 years
- Difficulty following spoken directions
- Echolalia- repeating back words and phrases without understanding
- Jumbled speech, but with adequate vocal tone and gesture
- Word retrieval difficulties, difficulty naming objects or talking in circles around subjects with lack of the appropriate vocabulary
- Misnaming items
- Difficulty acquiring the rules of grammar
- Difficulty with word meaning
- Difficulty speaking clearly
Signs and symptoms of possible speech, language, listening and reasoning challenges in adolescents and adults include:
- Misunderstanding words in conversation
- Word retrieval difficulties, misnaming objects or can’t recall labels of familiar objects
- Misusing words in conversation such as a “lisp” or mispronouncing [l] or [r]
- Mumbling so others have difficult understanding the speaker
- Academic performance lags behind intellectual capabilities
- Gets sleepy when reading or listening to others
- Over reacts to sudden noises or extremely bothered by noise
- Trouble staying focused when listening or reading
- Difficulty following more than two or oral directions
- Chronic hoarse or nasal voice problems
- Any break or abnormality in conversational speech
- Tongue “thrust”, pushing tongue between teeth when speaking or swallowing
- Trouble organizing thoughts, ideas, making plans, or problem solving
Who benefits from our Consulting and Therapy services?
- Preschool and early elementary children, middle school and high school aged children with problems with word recall, memory, attention, reading comprehension, focus, concentration, motor coordination, and organizational issues.
- Individuals with oral motor apraxia of speech, fluency, hoarse or nasal voice, sensory processing, auditory/linguistic processing, attention and mood regulatory disorders, Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Pervasive Development Disorder, Nonverbal Learning Disorder, OCD, Tourettes Syndrome, learning disabilities, dyslexia, attention deficit disorders.
Why is Center for Therapeutic Strategies needed?
Processing issues are now affecting a wider range of children and adults with marked increases in the past fifteen years in:
- Dyslexia
- Learning disabilities
- Mood and Regulatory Disorders (OCD, Aggression, Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety, etc.)
- Sensory Integration/ Sensory Processing Dysfunction
- Auditory and Linguistic Processing Disorders
- Developmental delays
- Non-Verbal Learning Disorders
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
CTS offers traditional and cutting-edge therapy modalities
- Listening Program of all types
- Rhythm, timing and sequencing activities
- Oral Motor, picky eating and swallowing
- Feeding/Swallowing (Myofunctional) Therapy
- CranioSacral Therapy
- Social Skills strategies for successfully navigating the real world
- Media Center (contains DVD’s, CD’s, books and newsletters on some from the nation’s leading practitioners and authors in the field of processing disorders)
- Executive Function to enhance calm focused attention and better verbal communication
- Improving reading processing to improve comprehension for more focused and organized communication
- Written Language skills addressed as organized thinking and reasoning
Center for Therapeutic Strategies online resources for parents: